Master IP with
Smarter Searches
Leverage advanced patent databases and search tools to uncover insights, save time, and make better decisions.
Patent searches don’t have to be time-consuming or overwhelming. With Arctic Invent’s advanced databases and search engines, you can find exactly what you need—quickly and accurately. From prior art searches to portfolio management, our tools help you streamline workflows and uncover insights that drive better IP strategies.
Comprehensive Coverage
Access patent databases spanning multiple industries and jurisdictions. Whether local or global, our tools ensure you get the complete picture every time.
Advanced Search Tools
Find exactly what you’re looking for with powerful search engines designed for precision and speed, saving you valuable time and effort.

Seamless Integration
Our tools easily integrate into your existing workflows, letting you manage your IP portfolio and perform searches without disruptions.
Custom Search Solutions
Every business is different. That’s why we tailor search engines to your specific needs, ensuring smarter results that match your goals.